Day One - Again and Again

Day one. All over again. Why today? Why not today.  

Whatever we may need to recover, renew, re-start or resurrect from... at some point   more like over and over again we all come back to day one.

Day one -- when I decide I can't live like this anymore. Something has got to give! What's it going to take? How in the world am I going to begin to conquer this mountain (again)? Day one, step one.

Reinventing my resurrection... from scratch -- all over again. Well, maybe not completely from scratch. I know what has worked in the past. I know what doesn't work. But why reinventing my resurrection? Because with each new decade in my life what worked last time -- disappointingly enough did not work the next time. So, I begin the hard work of trying to figure out what will work this time... one moment at a time,

"Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."  ~Howard Thurman
"No one can choose your mountain or tell you when to climb…
It’s yours alone to challenge at your own pace and time.
~Patricia J. Hacker-Harber